
Tubero Pterygoid Dental Implants: An In-depth Guide

The solution for full mouth rehabilitation

Pterygoid Dental Implant

Complete Guide to Pterygoid Dental Implants: Everything You Need to Know

Understanding Pterygoid Implants | Benefits & RisksAll-On-4 + Pterygoid Implants | Pterygoid Implants vs Zygomatic Implants | Cost of Pterygoid Implants

Welcome aboard to your all-inclusive journey on Pterygoid Dental Implants – your guide to the A-Z of everything you must know. This detailed article peels back the layers of the Pterygoid Dental Implants universe, gifting you with a solid understanding of their purpose, utilization, and application.

If you’re contemplating dental implants, discover the perks and potential pitfalls of Pterygoid dental implants as we scale their benefits and risks. Additionally, we’ll spotlight their synergistic alliance with the All-On-4 dental implants protocol to eliminate the cantilever conundrum. We’ll also draw comparisons between the Pterygoid and Zygomatic Dental Implants, underlining their key dissimilarities.

Furthermore, we delve into the financial aspect by discussing the cost of Pterygoid Implants treatments in Singapore. Throughout this guide, our commitment is to plainly and precisely convey the content. So sit tight – let’s dive headfirst into all there is to understand about Pterygoid Dental Implants.

Should your curiosities pique further or you’re ready to make an informed move, we warmly invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our reputable dentists. A step toward improving your oral health awaits!

Conventional Implants vs Pterygoid Implants

Understanding Pterygoid Implants

Pterygoid Dental Implants are a specific type of dental implants that are used for full-mouth rehabilitation in patients with insufficient bone volume in the upper jaw. They are named ‘Pterygoid’ because they are placed in the pterygoid plate, which is part of the sphenoid bone at the back of the upper jaw.

Pterygoid Implants are longer than conventional implants, typically measuring between 15 to 20 millimeters. Their increased length provides added stability and allows them to harness support from the dense pterygomaxillary region, eliminating the need for sinus lift procedures or bone grafts, which are often required with other types of implants. Thus, they offer a viable and effective solution for patients who have been told they are not suitable candidates for traditional implants due to lack of bone mass.

As Pterygoid Dental Implants are anchored in the pterygoid plates, they provide a firm and stable foundation for prosthetic teeth, ensuring optimal functionality and appearance.

Benefits of Pterygoid Dental Implants

The primary benefits of Pterygoid Dental Implants lie in their unique ability to offer full-mouth rehabilitation for patients with insufficient bone volume in the upper jaw. Here are some key advantages:

dental bone grafting required before dental implant placement due to bone loss in the jaw

Avoidance of Additional Procedures

Pterygoid implants eliminate the need for sinus lift procedures or bone grafts, which are often required with traditional implants. This makes the treatment less invasive and reduces the overall treatment time.

all on 4 dental implants in Singapore

Immediate Loading & Functionality

Unlike other implants that require a healing period before they can bear a full chewing load, Pterygoid implants can be loaded immediately after surgery, allowing patients to enjoy a fully functional set of teeth on the same day as their procedure.

happy man with comfortable implant overdentures

Long-Term Stability & High Success Rates

Pterygoid implants have a high success rate due to their secure anchorage in the dense pterygomaxillary region, ensuring long-term stability and durability of the prosthetic teeth.

Dental Implant Singapore

Drastically Improved Quality of Life:

By restoring the functionality and appearance of natural teeth, Pterygoid implants significantly improve patients’ quality of life. Patients can eat, speak, and smile with confidence, enhancing their social interactions and overall well-being.

Risks Associated with Pterygoid Dental Implants

While Pterygoid Dental Implants provide numerous benefits, they are not without potential risks, much like any dental treatment. It’s crucial to be aware of these potential complications:

Dental Implant Infection

Infection of Dental Implants

Pterygoid implants eliminate the need for sinus lift procedures or bone grafts, which are often required with traditional implants. This makes the treatment less invasive and reduces the overall treatment time.

man smoking a cigarette

Implant Failure to Osseointegrate

Although rare, implant failure can occur due to factors such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, or certain medical conditions.

lady suffering from bad toothache

Sinus Cavity Complications

Given their proximity to the sinus cavity, incorrect placement of Pterygoid implants can lead to sinus complications. However, with careful planning and precise placement by an experienced dentist, this risk is minimal.

woman suffering from implant allergy

Nerve Damage & Numbness

Though extremely rare, there’s a small risk of nerve damage during the procedure. This risk is also minimized by accurate imaging and careful surgical technique.

tooth bleeding

Bleeding & Discomfort

Some patients may experience minor bleeding or discomfort post-surgery, which usually resolves within a few days.

It’s important to discuss these potential risks with your dentist during the consultation process. Most complications can be avoided with careful planning and good oral hygiene practices.

All-On-4 Dental Implants and Pterygoid Implants

There are various types of implant overdenture available these days, each with their own pros and cons. We can break these down according to several different categories.

Upper All On 4 dental Implants

Introduction to All-On-4 Dental Implants

All-On-4 Dental Implants are a revolutionary full-mouth rehabilitation solution that replaces a full set of teeth using only four implants. The unique feature of this treatment method is that it utilizes a reduced number of implants, strategically placed at specific angles, to provide maximum stability and support for a full-arch prosthesis.

The procedure involves placing two anterior straight implants and two posterior implants angled up to 45 degrees. This arrangement leverages the available bone structure, particularly useful in patients with significant bone loss, eliminating the need for bone grafting or sinus lifts. The prosthetic teeth are then attached to these implants, providing a fully functional set of teeth.

The All-On-4 technique is highly effective and offers several benefits, including immediate functionality, improved aesthetics, and increased comfort. It’s particularly suited for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth and are looking for a fixed, long-term replacement solution that mimics the look and function of natural teeth. The treatment is usually completed in a single day, hence it’s also known as “Teeth in a Day” or “Same Day Teeth“.

Pterygoid Dental Implant

The Role of Pterygoid Implants in All-On-4 Procedure

Pterygoid Implants can play a crucial role in the All-On-4 procedure, especially in cases where patients have severe bone loss in the posterior upper jaw. While the standard All-On-4 procedure relies on angling the posterior implants to maximize the use of available bone, there may still be situations where the bone volume is not sufficient for secure implant placement.

In these cases, Pterygoid Implants can provide an effective solution. Their longer length and unique placement in the pterygoid plates of the sphenoid bone allow them to harness support from the denser bone in this region, thus overcoming the challenge of insufficient bone volume.

Incorporating Pterygoid Implants into the All-On-4 protocol can enhance the stability and durability of the prosthesis, particularly in the posterior region. This combination approach allows for a wider spread of force during chewing, creating a more natural and comfortable experience for the patient. It also reduces the risk of prosthetic failure due to overloading of the anterior implants, ensuring a long-lasting and successful outcome.

All-On-4 Dental Implant

Eliminating Cantilever with Pterygoid Implants

A significant advantage of incorporating Pterygoid Implants into the All-On-4 protocol is the elimination of cantilevers. In the standard All-On-4 design, the posterior teeth are not directly supported by implants but are extended beyond the posterior-most implants, forming a cantilever. While this design is generally effective, it can cause excessive force on the anterior implants when chewing hard or sticky foods, potentially leading to complications over time.

With the addition of Pterygoid Implants, these posterior teeth can be directly supported by implants, effectively eliminating the cantilever. This not only improves the distribution of chewing forces but also enhances the stability and strength of the overall prosthesis.

By reducing the strain on the anterior implants, the risk of implant failure is minimized. Furthermore, the elimination of the cantilever allows for a better reproduction of natural tooth function, offering a more comfortable and natural feel for patients. Ultimately, the incorporation of Pterygoid Implants into the All-On-4 procedure results in a more robust and durable full-mouth rehabilitation solution.

Zygomatic Implant vs Pterygoid Implants

Comparing Pterygoid and Zygomatic Dental Implants

Zygomatic Dental Implants are a unique type of dental implants used for patients with severe bone loss in the upper jaw, especially in the posterior region. Named after the zygoma (cheekbone) where they are anchored, these implants are longer than conventional dental implants, often ranging from 30-50 millimeters in length.

The Zygomatic implant procedure involves placing the implants in the dense zygomatic bone, which provides robust support for the prosthetic teeth. This allows for a secure and stable full-arch restoration, even in patients with significant bone loss where traditional implants may not be viable.

Like Pterygoid implants, Zygomatic implants also eliminate the need for bone grafting or sinus lift procedures, reducing the complexity and duration of the treatment. They offer immediate functionality, allowing patients to enjoy a fully functional set of teeth promptly after surgery. While the procedure requires a high level of expertise, when performed correctly, Zygomatic implants provide a highly successful and long-term solution for full-mouth rehabilitation.

Key Differences Between Pterygoid & Zygomatic Implants

While both Pterygoid and Zygomatic implants are designed to overcome the challenge of severe bone loss in the upper jaw, there are key differences between the two:

Zygomatic Implant vs Pterygoid Implants

Implant Placement

Pterygoid implants are placed in the pterygoid plates of the sphenoid bone at the back of the upper jaw, while Zygomatic implants are anchored in the zygoma (cheekbone).

Zygomatic Implants

Implant Length

Zygomatic implants are typically longer than Pterygoid implants. They can range from 30-50 millimeters, while Pterygoid implants typically measure between 15 to 20 millimeters.

jaw surgery

Surgical Complexity

Placement of Zygomatic implants generally requires a higher level of surgical expertise due to their proximity to critical anatomical structures, such as the eye socket and the maxillary sinus.

dental implant xray

Treatment Indications

While both can be used for patients with severe bone loss, Zygomatic implants are typically reserved for more extreme cases where even Pterygoid implants may not be viable.

Despite these differences, both Pterygoid and Zygomatic implants offer effective solutions for full-mouth rehabilitation in patients with severe bone loss, providing a solid foundation for prosthetic teeth and restoring functionality and aesthetics.

Dental Implants Guide

Looking to learn more about Dental Implants in Singapore?

Download a copy of the Dental Implant Guidebook 2021.

What is the Cost of Pterygoid Dental Implants in Singapore?

The cost of Pterygoid Dental Implants in Singapore can vary significantly, depending on several factors:

Complexity of the Case
The more complex the case, the higher the cost. Factors such as the degree of bone loss, the need for additional procedures (e.g., tooth extractions, gum disease treatment), and the number of implants required can all influence the overall cost.

Choice of Dentist
Fees can vary from dentist to dentist, often reflecting the dentist’s level of expertise, qualifications, and reputation. Highly experienced specialists may charge more than general dentists.

Quality of Materials
The quality of the implants and prosthetic teeth used can also affect the cost. High-quality materials, which offer better aesthetics and longevity, are generally more expensive.

It’s important to note that while cost is a significant consideration, the focus should be on the value received – the expertise of the dentist, the quality of the materials, and the long-term success and durability of the implants. Always discuss the cost and payment options with your dentist during the consultation.

Pterygoid Dental Implant

*Cost of Single Pterygoid Implant

$5,000 – $7,000+

*All prices indicated excludes GST

** Flexible payment options and instalment plans are available.

*** Medisave claimable up to $1,250 per dental implant


Financing Options and Medisave Coverage

Affording your dental treatment should not be a stumbling block to achieving a healthy, confident smile. Many dental clinics in Singapore offer various financing options to make the treatment more affordable. These may include installment plans, credit card payments, or tie-ups with financing companies that offer no-interest or low-interest payment plans.

In terms of coverage, most Medisave-approved dental surgeries, including dental implant procedures, allow you to claim up to a certain limit from your Medisave account. However, the specific coverage amount can vary depending on your insurance policy and the complexity of the treatment.

Remember, investing in quality dental care is an investment in your overall health and well-being. It’s essential to find a financing solution that works for you, ensuring that you can receive the necessary treatment without financial strain.

Caring for Overdentures

False teeth need just as much care and cleaning as natural teeth, if you want them to stay looking good and functioning well. Before deciding whether to get fixed or removable overdentures, you should consider the following guidelines for cleaning and care:

Removable Dental Implant Overdenture

Cleaning removable overdentures

Removable overdentures are cleaned in much the same way as regular dentures. You should snap them out of your mouth, brush them carefully, and perhaps use a denture cleaning solution from time to time.

Your dentist will advise you on the best products to use, and how often to use them, to prolong the life of your false teeth.

You should also gently clean your gums and tongue with toothpaste before replacing your dentures. This helps clean away any bacteria that has settled on the surfaces of your mouth.

bar implant overdenture

Cleaning fixed implant overdentures

If your overdentures are fixed in place, you can brush them just like you would your normal teeth. You’ll need to take special care to clean between the denture and the gum, as food particles can sometimes get stuck there. An oral irrigator or special implant floss can help you reach these places.

On balance, people with limited manual dexterity may find that removable implant overdentures are easier to clean than fixed ones.

Pterygoid Dental Implant

Suitability Assessment

During your consultation for Pterygoid Dental Implants, you can expect a comprehensive evaluation of your oral health and a detailed discussion about your treatment options.

The consultation usually begins with a review of your medical and dental history, followed by a thorough oral examination. This may include X-rays or 3D imaging to assess your bone structure and determine if Pterygoid Dental Implants are suitable for you.

Your dentist will then explain the procedure in detail, including the benefits and potential risks. This is the ideal time to ask any questions you may have about the treatment. The dentist will also discuss the cost of the procedure and the available financing options.

You may also have the opportunity to view before and after photos of previous patients who have undergone the same procedure. This can give you a better idea of what to expect from the treatment.

Remember, the goal of the consultation is not just to plan the treatment, but also to make sure you feel comfortable and confident about your decision. It’s your first step on the journey to a healthier, more confident smile.

Get Started On Your Dental Implant Journey With Our Team of Dedicated Dental Professionals

Our team of experienced dentists are fully dedicated to providing patients with high-quality and affordable dental care. Our dentists are well-versed in the oral surgery, and highly adept in producing highly aesthetic and long lasting dental implants for all our patients.

At NoFrills Dental, we work with a wide variety of dental implant brands and systems. Allowing us to provide the ideal treatment for every type of patient, regardless of case complexity and budget.

NoFrills Dental Team (2022)
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NoFrills Dental @ Suntec City

3 Temasek Boulevard
Suntec City (North Wing)
Singapore 038983

T: +65 6337 7319
E: suntec@nofrillsdental.com.sg

NoFrills Dental @ Marina Square

6 Raffles Boulevard,
Marina Square,
Singapore 039594

T: +65 6227 8885
E: marinasquare@nofrillsdental.com.sg

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