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Written by NoFrills Dental

This dental article has been curated by the clinical team @ NoFrills Dental 🙂

July 7, 2021

Introduction: Invisalign

Have you ever looked at a celebrity on television and wondered with curiosity and a tinge of envy: “how are her teeth so straight and aligned all of a sudden? It wasn’t this straight a few years ago, and I don’t recall seeing her wearing metal braces!”

One plausible reason behind this ‘new and improved’ smile is a set of Invisalign aligners. They straighten your teeth without having to make a compromise on your appearance or comfort, allowing you to benefit from the best of both worlds.

Invisalign has taken over the dental landscape by storm and is making huge waves in the world of orthodontics. They are custom-made, clear plastic aligners designed to move your teeth into the desired position.

Invisalign aligners have become increasingly popular amongst adults as they cater for a wide variety of people of all ages, tooth forms and lifestyles.

A whopping 10 million people from all around the world have used Invisalign to improve, refresh and redesign their smile!

If you are looking to fix the alignment of your teeth and are not so keen on having metal ‘train-track’ braces, this will definitely be something you can consider for ultimate convenience and aesthetics.

Many patients begin their Invisalign journey with a plethora of questions about home care, consumption of food and drinks, storage of aligners, retainers and emergency visits.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide on how to cope and make the best out of your aligners – read on more to find out!

Invisalign clear aligner carrying case

So… how does Invisalign move teeth into the right direction?

Before diving straight into how to best care for your aligners, it is imperative for all patients to have a basic knowledge of the science behind tooth movement.

All our teeth are held in place by bone. When a force is exerted onto a tooth, our body releases a signal that induces bone resorption on one side and bone apposition (new bone is laid down) on the other. This constant process of resorption and apposition results in conventional tooth movement.

Your aligners exert a continuous force onto your tooth (this is why your aligners typically feel pretty tight around your teeth), and this force sends signals to the bone enabling the tooth movement into its required position in the jaw. The typical rate of orthodontic tooth movement depends on the magnitude and duration of force applied. Slow and steady movements with constant pressure give the bone enough time and space for it to remodel around the tooth, and eventually move it into a straighter position.

If this force is interrupted (i.e., when you take out your set of aligners) the tooth may not move. Therefore, cooperation and compliance with wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours a day is essential in ensuring treatment success.

For some cases, Invisalign aligners alone are unable to get teeth moving into their desired places. Additional forces are applied to supplement the tooth movement using attachments.

Invisalign attachments are tiny bumps that are placed on the front surfaces of your tooth. They are made of composite resin (tooth filling material) and are bonded onto certain positions and teeth determined by your dentist. These attachments click into your aligners pretty easily and are barely visible.

Attachments for Invisalign

They serve two main functions:

  • Allow for better and more precise tooth movements;
  • Enables the aligners to grip onto teeth more firmly.

Are Invisalign attachments absolutely necessary for all cases?

Aligners and attachments work hand in hand in ensuring that all teeth move to the right places. The need for attachments depends on the severity of your case.

If your tooth is severely protruded, rotated or angled in an odd way, it is difficult for the aligner to apply pressure on that specific spot to push them into place so that it aligns with the rest of the arch. The attachment essentially works as a fulcrum to help direct the force of the aligner more predictably and effectively.

Now that we have built a firm foundation on the biology behind how Invisalign aligners and attachments work to supplement each other, let’s talk about how we can live our lives to the fullest with these appliances!

Invisalign clear aligners in Singapore

How long should I keep my aligners on for?

Before committing to Invisalign, you should ask yourself: Do you think I will be able to wear my aligners for at least 20-22 hours a day for around 1-2 years? If the answer is “Hmm… I’m really not sure if I can commit” or a definite no, this treatment option may not be for you.

Compliance and consistency are the two key values that are paramount in ensuring ultimate treatment success. You will be expected to wear your aligners throughout the day, except for during eating, brushing your teeth or drinking beverages other than water. Remember to include them into your packing list when you go on holiday as well!

We cannot emphasize how important it is to keep your aligners on for at least 20-22 hours a day. Tooth movement happens during the first few days of getting your new trays, and the remaining days are when the bone repairs around the tooth where they have moved. If the trays are not consistently on, there will not be adequate force exerting against your teeth which can hinder ideal movement.

If your dentist feels that your teeth are not moving as quickly as they want it to be because of reduced compliance on your part, they may prolong your course of treatment and incur additional costs.

It can be tempting to want to ‘give your teeth a break’ from the tightness coming from the aligners but remember, short term pain for long term gain. You can do this!

asian lady smiling with Invisalign clear aligner

How often do I have to change my invisalign clear aligners?

After the placement of attachments on your teeth, your dentist will give you 2-3 sets of aligner trays to take home with clear instructions and dates on when to wear them. Each pair of aligners are worn for about 2 weeks before advancing to the next pair.

A review appointment with your dentist tends to be within 6-8 weeks from the previous one. During this appointment, your dentist will assess how well your teeth are responding to treatment and may take progress pictures for their records. If they are happy with how your teeth are moving, they will give you another 2-3 sets to take home and this cycle continues until completion of treatment.

How do I put on and remove my aligners?

Your aligners are custom made to your own set of teeth, nobody can wear them except for you. The process of inserting and taking off your aligners may occasionally be a little challenging at times. Don’t fret, this is normal as they are meant to fit tight and snug against all your teeth.

As you venture further into your Invisalign journey, you will definitely develop your own knacks and tricks on how to put on and take off your aligners in the most efficient way possible.

For those newbies out there, here are some useful tips that you can try at home.

happy patient with a brand new smile after invisalign treatment

Getting the aligner right

Make sure you have the correct set of aligners and tray number. Each aligner and Ziplock bag will be marked with “U” for upper and “L” for lower.

Your dentist will be more than willing to help you label each bag with the respective dates to wear them for easy identification.

If you accidentally get them mixed up and can’t tell between your upper and lower aligners, remember your upper front teeth are larger in size and shape than your lower ones. This will reflect very clearly on your aligners.

removing Invisalign clear aligners

Wearing and removing

When inserting your aligners, it is easiest to put them over your front teeth first. Then, apply gentle pressure by pushing the rest of the aligner along your premolars and molars using your thumb. A ‘click’ sound is a clear indication that your aligners are in the right place.

The best way to take your aligners out is to start all the way at the back by taking it off where the plastic meets your hard palate. Make a little hook using both your index fingers and pop the aligner off of your teeth on either side.

The aligner should disengage and hang loose at the back. Then, use your thumb and forefinger to grab onto the loose ends and pull them out gently in one motion.

Practice the whole process in front of a mirror first and you will get the hang of it very soon!

rinsing Invisalign clear aligners under running water

How to clean and care for your aligners

Aligner care is one of the important aspects of your Invisalign journey. Poor aligner hygiene serves as a reservoir for the growth of bacteria and fungi, which can infect your teeth and oral structures increasing caries risk.

Here are some tips to ensure that your aligners are sparkly clean after every wear:

  • Rinse your aligners in running water after removing them/ prior to putting them on.
  • Brush and floss your teeth after every meal and snack. This removes all food and debris on the smooth and interproximal surfaces of your teeth and freshens your breath.
  • If you have no time to brush your teeth after food intake, ensure that you rinse your mouth a couple times with water before putting your aligners back on.
  • Give your aligners a thorough scrub around with a soft bristled toothbrush and mild hand soap before putting them on to sleep at night. Most hand soaps are antibacterial and will kill most bacteria on your trays.
  • Continue with your regular dental hygiene routine (brushing and flossing with a fluoridated toothpaste once every morning and the last thing before bed).
  • Ensure that you are visiting your dentist every six months for a regular checkup and clean.

Invisalign manufactures a product called ‘Invisalign Cleaning Crystals’ and they are specifically used to clean clear aligners and retainers. Immerse your aligners in a cup of warm water and pour a sachet of the cleaning crystals into the same cup. Give the cup a gentle swirl and let them soak for 15-30 minutes. After they have soaked, remove, and rinse them under running water. They are now all clean and can be worn again.

How should I store my aligners?

Your aligners should always be stored in your Invisalign case if you are not wearing them. Please do not wrap them up in tissue paper, as someone may mistake them as rubbish and throw them in the bin.

Do not place them under direct sunlight or in extreme temperatures as this can distort the plastic. Keep them away from young children and pets.

Will wearing my aligners affect the way I eat and drink? Should I avoid certain types of foods?

Wearing your aligners will not affect the way you eat or drink. You can still go ahead eating your favourite foods as long as you remember to rinse and brush your teeth before putting them back on again.

The only beverages you can consume with your aligners on are cold or room temperature water. Do not attempt to sip hot water, hot tea or coffee with them in situ as they may distort and warp the shape. Drinking wine (yes, even white wine) can stain your aligners very easily as well. Stick to water and remove them if you want to drink anything else.

Your Invisalign aligners are not the only appliances that require care. Do not neglect the composite attachments on your teeth too! These attachments are tiny bumps that are not of one entity with the tooth surface and thus, can pick up stains very easily.

Beverages that are darker in colour such as coffee, black teas, red wine and Coke are more likely to cause a yellow-brownish staining on the attachments. Evidence suggests that coffee is the worst stain culprit as it contains the highest proportion of yellow dye compounds.

Each person’s aligner staining varies according to their specific beverage consumption habits.

Factors affecting the severity of staining are:

  • Type of beverage consumed
  • Duration of exposure (whether you drink it in one go or take small sips over a prolonged period)
  • Frequency of consumption

Using a straw will help reduce the contact of the beverage with your composite attachments. It also dilutes the amount of beverage your mouth is exposed to, thus reducing its ability to cause staining. Avoid swishing the beverage in your mouth and swallow it quickly and carefully.

attractive lady undergoing Invisalign treatment in Singapore

Will my speech be affected?

You may notice that making sounds associated with the letters “s” and “z” may feel like a struggle with these foreign objects in your oral cavity.

Our tongues are not used to the new aligners, obstructing air flow from inside the mouth thus distorting the pronunciation of certain words. Humans are incredibly adaptable and this minor speech impediment typically resolves within the span of a week. Your friends and colleagues won’t even notice the difference!

What happens if my attachments fall off?

It is pretty normal for your attachments to fall off within the first couple months of getting them due to their miniature size. Don’t worry if this happens to you, simply give your dentist a ring and they will be able to schedule a 10–15-minute appointment to have them re-bonded at no extra charge. Remember to bring your current set of aligners to the appointment as well.

What happens if I break or lose my aligners?

Sometimes accidents happen and we misplace our aligners. Contact your dentist immediately as they will be able to provide you with advice on what steps you should take.

We have mapped out some possible courses of action that your dentist may instruct you to do:

  1. They may advise you to wear your previous aligner set while waiting for your appointment to see them.
  2. If you still have a relatively long planned treatment course for your current trays, you may require a replacement set to be made to finish up the existing course before moving on to the next. This may incur extra costs, so it is always best to clarify with your dentist.
  3. If you are at the tail end of completing the course that you have lost, they may advise you to move on to your next set.

If you are worried that you might lose your aligners again, here are some tried and tested tips you can follow to avoid these mishaps:

  • Always keep your aligners in your Invisalign pouch or case when you’re not wearing them.
  • Keep them in a specific part of your bag so you always know where to locate them.
  • Keep your aligners away from your previous sets to avoid confusion.
  • Make sure to label your Invisalign case to avoid mix-ups (if another person in your household is using Invisalign)
fixed-permanent retainers

Living with your Invisalign Retainers

Retainers symbolize the end of your Invisalign journey and are what makes your new and improved teeth stay in place. If you want your new and improved smile to last forever, these retainers are to be worn for life! Your teeth can start to shift back into the position where you first started if you don’t wear them religiously.

There are two types of retainers that you can choose from post Invisalign treatment:

1. Removable Retainers – Invisalign manufactures its own custom-fit Vivera retainers, your dentist can help you order them once your treatment is complete. Retainers have to be worn for at least six months every day and night (similar to your regular aligners) and then only at night for the next few years.

2. Fixed Retainers – They are made of a thin stainless steel orthodontic wire that are bonded to the inner surfaces of your front 6 teeth. These appliances are very unobtrusive, they don’t interfere with your eating, brushing or daily activities. Fixed retainers are more suited for those who are less compliant and unwilling to commit to wearing a removable retainer every day.

    Invisalign clear aligners in box

    Conclusion: Living With Invisalign

    Invisalign is such an innovative and convenient way to straighten your teeth and redesign your smile. We acknowledge that stepping into this journey is a HUGE commitment, but trust in the process, it’ll be worth it in the end! It is so important to listen to your dentist, stay motivated and be disciplined in every step of the way. You will be able to show off your best smile and tell all your friends you persisted and excelled in living with Invisalign!

    NoFrills Dental Team of Professionals | Professional Team of Dentists in Singapore | Best dentists in Singapore


    1. Invisalign.com. n.d. Frequently Asked Questions | Invisalign. [online] Available at: <https://www.invisalign.com/frequently-asked-questions> [Accessed 28 June 2021].
    2. Li Y, Jacox L, Little S, Ko C. Orthodontic tooth movement: The biology and clinical implications. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2018;34(4):207-214. doi:10.1016/j.kjms.2018.01.007
    3. Asiry M. Biological aspects of orthodontic tooth movement: A review of literature. Saudi J Biol Sci. 2018;25(6):1027-1032. doi:10.1016/j.sjbs.2018.03.008
    4. SmartForce Attachments | Invisalign. Invisalign.com. https://www.invisalign.com/the-invisalign-difference/smartforce-attachments. Accessed June 28, 2021.
    5. Invisalign Attachments: Benefits, Procedure, Care, and More. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/invisalign-attachments. Published 2021. Accessed June 28, 2021.
    6. Complete Guide to Invisalign Cleaning Crystals. Diamond Braces. https://diamondbraces.com/invisalign/invisalign-cleaning-crystals/.
    7. Alassiry AM. Orthodontic Retainers: A Contemporary Overview. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2019;20(7):857-862. Published 2019 Jul 1.
    Invisalign diamond Provider 2021

    Are you looking to get started on your Invisalign journey?

    NoFrills Dental is powered by a dedicated group of highly-experienced clinicians .

    In recognition of our expertise in Invisalign treatment. We’ve been awarded the Invisalign Diamond Provider Award for the year of 2020 and 2021.

    If you’ve have any questions queries about Invisalign procedure, please feel free to give us a call.

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    Invisalign clear aligners in box

    Introduction: Invisalign

    Have you ever looked at a celebrity on television and wondered with curiosity and a tinge of envy: “how are her teeth so straight and aligned all of a sudden? It wasn’t this straight a few years ago, and I don’t recall seeing her wearing metal braces!”

    One plausible reason behind this ‘new and improved’ smile is a set of Invisalign aligners. They straighten your teeth without having to make a compromise on your appearance or comfort, allowing you to benefit from the best of both worlds.

    Invisalign has taken over the dental landscape by storm and is making huge waves in the world of orthodontics. They are custom-made, clear plastic aligners designed to move your teeth into the desired position.

    Invisalign aligners have become increasingly popular amongst adults as they cater for a wide variety of people of all ages, tooth forms and lifestyles.

    A whopping 10 million people from all around the world have used Invisalign to improve, refresh and redesign their smile!

    If you are looking to fix the alignment of your teeth and are not so keen on having metal ‘train-track’ braces, this will definitely be something you can consider for ultimate convenience and aesthetics.

    Many patients begin their Invisalign journey with a plethora of questions about home care, consumption of food and drinks, storage of aligners, retainers and emergency visits.

    This article serves as a comprehensive guide on how to cope and make the best out of your aligners – read on more to find out!

    Invisalign clear aligner carrying case

    So… how does Invisalign move teeth into the right direction?

    Before diving straight into how to best care for your aligners, it is imperative for all patients to have a basic knowledge of the science behind tooth movement.

    All our teeth are held in place by bone. When a force is exerted onto a tooth, our body releases a signal that induces bone resorption on one side and bone apposition (new bone is laid down) on the other. This constant process of resorption and apposition results in conventional tooth movement.

    Your aligners exert a continuous force onto your tooth (this is why your aligners typically feel pretty tight around your teeth), and this force sends signals to the bone enabling the tooth movement into its required position in the jaw. The typical rate of orthodontic tooth movement depends on the magnitude and duration of force applied. Slow and steady movements with constant pressure give the bone enough time and space for it to remodel around the tooth, and eventually move it into a straighter position.

    If this force is interrupted (i.e., when you take out your set of aligners) the tooth may not move. Therefore, cooperation and compliance with wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours a day is essential in ensuring treatment success.

    For some cases, Invisalign aligners alone are unable to get teeth moving into their desired places. Additional forces are applied to supplement the tooth movement using attachments.

    Invisalign attachments are tiny bumps that are placed on the front surfaces of your tooth. They are made of composite resin (tooth filling material) and are bonded onto certain positions and teeth determined by your dentist. These attachments click into your aligners pretty easily and are barely visible.

    Attachments for Invisalign

    They serve two main functions:

    • Allow for better and more precise tooth movements;
    • Enables the aligners to grip onto teeth more firmly.

    Are Invisalign attachments absolutely necessary for all cases?

    Aligners and attachments work hand in hand in ensuring that all teeth move to the right places. The need for attachments depends on the severity of your case.

    If your tooth is severely protruded, rotated or angled in an odd way, it is difficult for the aligner to apply pressure on that specific spot to push them into place so that it aligns with the rest of the arch. The attachment essentially works as a fulcrum to help direct the force of the aligner more predictably and effectively.

    Now that we have built a firm foundation on the biology behind how Invisalign aligners and attachments work to supplement each other, let’s talk about how we can live our lives to the fullest with these appliances!

    Invisalign clear aligners in Singapore

    How long should I keep my aligners on for?

    Before committing to Invisalign, you should ask yourself: Do you think I will be able to wear my aligners for at least 20-22 hours a day for around 1-2 years? If the answer is “Hmm… I’m really not sure if I can commit” or a definite no, this treatment option may not be for you.

    Compliance and consistency are the two key values that are paramount in ensuring ultimate treatment success. You will be expected to wear your aligners throughout the day, except for during eating, brushing your teeth or drinking beverages other than water. Remember to include them into your packing list when you go on holiday as well!

    We cannot emphasize how important it is to keep your aligners on for at least 20-22 hours a day. Tooth movement happens during the first few days of getting your new trays, and the remaining days are when the bone repairs around the tooth where they have moved. If the trays are not consistently on, there will not be adequate force exerting against your teeth which can hinder ideal movement.

    If your dentist feels that your teeth are not moving as quickly as they want it to be because of reduced compliance on your part, they may prolong your course of treatment and incur additional costs.

    It can be tempting to want to ‘give your teeth a break’ from the tightness coming from the aligners but remember, short term pain for long term gain. You can do this!

    asian lady smiling with Invisalign clear aligner

    How often do I have to change my invisalign clear aligners?

    After the placement of attachments on your teeth, your dentist will give you 2-3 sets of aligner trays to take home with clear instructions and dates on when to wear them. Each pair of aligners are worn for about 2 weeks before advancing to the next pair.

    A review appointment with your dentist tends to be within 6-8 weeks from the previous one. During this appointment, your dentist will assess how well your teeth are responding to treatment and may take progress pictures for their records. If they are happy with how your teeth are moving, they will give you another 2-3 sets to take home and this cycle continues until completion of treatment.

    How do I put on and remove my aligners?

    Your aligners are custom made to your own set of teeth, nobody can wear them except for you. The process of inserting and taking off your aligners may occasionally be a little challenging at times. Don’t fret, this is normal as they are meant to fit tight and snug against all your teeth.

    As you venture further into your Invisalign journey, you will definitely develop your own knacks and tricks on how to put on and take off your aligners in the most efficient way possible.

    For those newbies out there, here are some useful tips that you can try at home.

    happy patient with a brand new smile after invisalign treatment

    Getting the aligner right

    Make sure you have the correct set of aligners and tray number. Each aligner and Ziplock bag will be marked with “U” for upper and “L” for lower.

    Your dentist will be more than willing to help you label each bag with the respective dates to wear them for easy identification.

    If you accidentally get them mixed up and can’t tell between your upper and lower aligners, remember your upper front teeth are larger in size and shape than your lower ones. This will reflect very clearly on your aligners.

    removing Invisalign clear aligners

    Wearing and removing

    When inserting your aligners, it is easiest to put them over your front teeth first. Then, apply gentle pressure by pushing the rest of the aligner along your premolars and molars using your thumb. A ‘click’ sound is a clear indication that your aligners are in the right place.

    The best way to take your aligners out is to start all the way at the back by taking it off where the plastic meets your hard palate. Make a little hook using both your index fingers and pop the aligner off of your teeth on either side.

    The aligner should disengage and hang loose at the back. Then, use your thumb and forefinger to grab onto the loose ends and pull them out gently in one motion.

    Practice the whole process in front of a mirror first and you will get the hang of it very soon!

    rinsing Invisalign clear aligners under running water

    How to clean and care for your aligners

    Aligner care is one of the important aspects of your Invisalign journey. Poor aligner hygiene serves as a reservoir for the growth of bacteria and fungi, which can infect your teeth and oral structures increasing caries risk.

    Here are some tips to ensure that your aligners are sparkly clean after every wear:

    • Rinse your aligners in running water after removing them/ prior to putting them on.
    • Brush and floss your teeth after every meal and snack. This removes all food and debris on the smooth and interproximal surfaces of your teeth and freshens your breath.
    • If you have no time to brush your teeth after food intake, ensure that you rinse your mouth a couple times with water before putting your aligners back on.
    • Give your aligners a thorough scrub around with a soft bristled toothbrush and mild hand soap before putting them on to sleep at night. Most hand soaps are antibacterial and will kill most bacteria on your trays.
    • Continue with your regular dental hygiene routine (brushing and flossing with a fluoridated toothpaste once every morning and the last thing before bed).
    • Ensure that you are visiting your dentist every six months for a regular checkup and clean.

    Invisalign manufactures a product called ‘Invisalign Cleaning Crystals’ and they are specifically used to clean clear aligners and retainers. Immerse your aligners in a cup of warm water and pour a sachet of the cleaning crystals into the same cup. Give the cup a gentle swirl and let them soak for 15-30 minutes. After they have soaked, remove, and rinse them under running water. They are now all clean and can be worn again.

    How should I store my aligners?

    Your aligners should always be stored in your Invisalign case if you are not wearing them. Please do not wrap them up in tissue paper, as someone may mistake them as rubbish and throw them in the bin.

    Do not place them under direct sunlight or in extreme temperatures as this can distort the plastic. Keep them away from young children and pets.

    Will wearing my aligners affect the way I eat and drink? Should I avoid certain types of foods?

    Wearing your aligners will not affect the way you eat or drink. You can still go ahead eating your favourite foods as long as you remember to rinse and brush your teeth before putting them back on again.

    The only beverages you can consume with your aligners on are cold or room temperature water. Do not attempt to sip hot water, hot tea or coffee with them in situ as they may distort and warp the shape. Drinking wine (yes, even white wine) can stain your aligners very easily as well. Stick to water and remove them if you want to drink anything else.

    Your Invisalign aligners are not the only appliances that require care. Do not neglect the composite attachments on your teeth too! These attachments are tiny bumps that are not of one entity with the tooth surface and thus, can pick up stains very easily.

    Beverages that are darker in colour such as coffee, black teas, red wine and Coke are more likely to cause a yellow-brownish staining on the attachments. Evidence suggests that coffee is the worst stain culprit as it contains the highest proportion of yellow dye compounds.

    Each person’s aligner staining varies according to their specific beverage consumption habits.

    Factors affecting the severity of staining are:

    • Type of beverage consumed
    • Duration of exposure (whether you drink it in one go or take small sips over a prolonged period)
    • Frequency of consumption

    Using a straw will help reduce the contact of the beverage with your composite attachments. It also dilutes the amount of beverage your mouth is exposed to, thus reducing its ability to cause staining. Avoid swishing the beverage in your mouth and swallow it quickly and carefully.

    attractive lady undergoing Invisalign treatment in Singapore

    Will my speech be affected?

    You may notice that making sounds associated with the letters “s” and “z” may feel like a struggle with these foreign objects in your oral cavity.

    Our tongues are not used to the new aligners, obstructing air flow from inside the mouth thus distorting the pronunciation of certain words. Humans are incredibly adaptable and this minor speech impediment typically resolves within the span of a week. Your friends and colleagues won’t even notice the difference!

    What happens if my attachments fall off?

    It is pretty normal for your attachments to fall off within the first couple months of getting them due to their miniature size. Don’t worry if this happens to you, simply give your dentist a ring and they will be able to schedule a 10–15-minute appointment to have them re-bonded at no extra charge. Remember to bring your current set of aligners to the appointment as well.

    What happens if I break or lose my aligners?

    Sometimes accidents happen and we misplace our aligners. Contact your dentist immediately as they will be able to provide you with advice on what steps you should take.

    We have mapped out some possible courses of action that your dentist may instruct you to do:

    1. They may advise you to wear your previous aligner set while waiting for your appointment to see them.
    2. If you still have a relatively long planned treatment course for your current trays, you may require a replacement set to be made to finish up the existing course before moving on to the next. This may incur extra costs, so it is always best to clarify with your dentist.
    3. If you are at the tail end of completing the course that you have lost, they may advise you to move on to your next set.

    If you are worried that you might lose your aligners again, here are some tried and tested tips you can follow to avoid these mishaps:

    • Always keep your aligners in your Invisalign pouch or case when you’re not wearing them.
    • Keep them in a specific part of your bag so you always know where to locate them.
    • Keep your aligners away from your previous sets to avoid confusion.
    • Make sure to label your Invisalign case to avoid mix-ups (if another person in your household is using Invisalign)
    fixed-permanent retainers

    Living with your Invisalign Retainers

    Retainers symbolize the end of your Invisalign journey and are what makes your new and improved teeth stay in place. If you want your new and improved smile to last forever, these retainers are to be worn for life! Your teeth can start to shift back into the position where you first started if you don’t wear them religiously.

    There are two types of retainers that you can choose from post Invisalign treatment:

    1. Removable Retainers – Invisalign manufactures its own custom-fit Vivera retainers, your dentist can help you order them once your treatment is complete. Retainers have to be worn for at least six months every day and night (similar to your regular aligners) and then only at night for the next few years.

    2. Fixed Retainers – They are made of a thin stainless steel orthodontic wire that are bonded to the inner surfaces of your front 6 teeth. These appliances are very unobtrusive, they don’t interfere with your eating, brushing or daily activities. Fixed retainers are more suited for those who are less compliant and unwilling to commit to wearing a removable retainer every day.

      Invisalign logo

      Conclusion: Living With Invisalign

      Invisalign is such an innovative and convenient way to straighten your teeth and redesign your smile. We acknowledge that stepping into this journey is a HUGE commitment, but trust in the process, it’ll be worth it in the end! It is so important to listen to your dentist, stay motivated and be disciplined in every step of the way. You will be able to show off your best smile and tell all your friends you persisted and excelled in living with Invisalign!

      NoFrills Dental Team of Professionals | Professional Team of Dentists in Singapore | Best dentists in Singapore

      Looking to get started on your brand new & improved smile? Speak to our dentists today!

      Our team of experienced dentists are fully dedicated to providing patients with high-quality and affordable dental care. Our dentists are well-versed in the cosmetic dentistry, and highly adept in producing highly aesthetic and long lasting results for all of our patients.

      Invisalign Guidebook 2021

      Looking to learn more about Invisalign in Singapore?

      Download a copy of the Invisalign Guidebook 2021.

      Schedule an appointment

      We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

      Our Dental Clinics

      We are conveniently located at these locations:

      NoFrills Dental @ Suntec City

      3 Temasek Boulevard
      Suntec City (North Wing)
      Singapore 038983

      T: +65 6337 7319
      E: suntec@nofrillsdental.com.sg

      NoFrills Dental @ Marina Square

      6 Raffles Boulevard,
      Marina Square,
      Singapore 039594

      T: +65 6227 8885
      E: marinasquare@nofrillsdental.com.sg

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